Sugar Apple
The Sugar Apple has a thick, scaly rind with a creamy, sweet pulp which comes apart in segments, each containing a shiny black seed. The more common Sugar Apple is green, though there is a dark red variety that is becoming more commonplace. This knobby fruit has a delicate, creamy white flesh that has a minty or custardy flavor.
Nutritional Value
Parts of the sugar apple, their leaves and leaf extracts, can be used for medicinal purposes to benefit digestive problems and rheumatic pain.USES
The Sugar Apple is typically eaten fresh out-of-hand, served raw and chilled, as a dessert, or used to make ice cream or shakes. The fruit is almost never cooked, unless prepared for jellies or preserves. Sliced, this fruit makes a nice addition to a fruit salad. In Malaya, located south of Vietnam, the flesh is typically strained to make a puree to add to ice cream or milk for a shake. Some winemakers ferment the puree and juices into wine. The sugar apple is delicate and may come apart when ripe, requiring careful handling.
The Sugar Apple is available mid-summer into fall.